Nuclear power technologies from Finland
Finland has an exceptionally good track record in applying multiple nuclear power technologies with world-class performance in a safe, sustainable and responsible manner. The Finnish companies and the regulator have developed an exceptional variety of competences required in the peaceful use of nuclear power – safeguards, regulatory regime, public acceptance manners and practices, plant projects, plant life management, decommissioning and nuclear waste management.
The Smart Nuclear Energy Solutions team sells nuclear energy services and solutions worldwide. In nuclear waste management, especially for spent fuel, Finland is a global forerunner. Finland is the first country in the world in which a final disposal repository for spent fuel and other high level nuclear waste is already under construction. The final repositories for low- and intermediate waste have been in operation since the 1990s. We have managed to capture the whole lifecycle of a nuclear power plant into our own hands, being independent of technology vendors. Now, we are willing and ready support other countries to learn what we have learnt in Finland by sharing our experiences on an unbiased and neutral basis using our experiences related to multiple technologies.
Smart Nuclear Energy Solutions has been formed for Expo 2020 Dubai and it include STUK International Ltd., Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Fortum, Posiva Ltd., FinNuclear, AINS Group, DEKRA, Enersense International Plc and Platom Ltd.
Finland has a wealth of best practices to be shared in the peaceful use of nuclear energy
Finland is one of the world’s most advanced societies – a vibrant and happy country that places extremely high value on caring for people, equality and nature. To achieve this, clean and reliable nuclear energy solutions have played a significant role. Globally we need to move away from fossil energy sources in order to fight climate change and to improve human wellbeing. Nuclear energy is today a very attractive low-carbon source of electrical power at a large scale, instrumental in maintaining stability in the power grid and ensuring energy security.
Organisations in Smart Nuclear Energy Solutions