1-2 November 2022
Helsinki, Finland
FinNuclear is arranging in cooperation with ATS an exhibition opportunity at the event. You can find more information from the slides below or through the tab button below.
The Nuclear Science and Technology Symposium (SYP) will be organized in November 2022. The location of the symposium is Paasitorni Congress Center. The theme of the symposium is sustainable nuclear technology.
This year’s event will facilitate a face-to-face dialogue between nuclear science, industry and governmental bodies. The Symposium provides a timely and comprehensive picture of the intensive developments that are ongoing in Finnish nuclear technology: SMR development; re-licensing and commissioning; decommissioning and final disposal as a world-leader; plus much more. Read more about the event from here: https://ats-fns.fi/en/syp2022
Check the preliminary program to the event from here: https://ats-fns.fi/images/files/2022/syp2022/SYP2022Program_draft.pdf
If you got interested about this event and exhibition opportunity please fill in the reservation form below.
Book your exhibition stand by October 3!
Event sponsors are Fortum and Teollisuuden Voima (TVO)