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Networking opportunities in South Korea, Nuclear Energy & Safety Confex, 3-5 Dec 2024

Nuclear Energy & Safety Confex (NES) 2024 is one of the main exhibitions of the nuclear industry in South Korea where participants have the opportunity to network and to strengthen business connections.

We have an open call for interested companies to join the Finland exhibition booth. Participants can learn from and explore the Korean nuclear industry and market opportunities during the visit through conference, B2B meetings and the exhibition.

Joint Finland Exhibition booth

We offer a visibility package in a Joint Finland exhibition booth (minimum 9 m2) coordinated by FinNuclear, if 2 or more companies participate, on a shared cost basis. (Current estimate is 3000 eur/company, possibly less if more companies participate.)

  • Wall graphics
  • Video/slideshow on the screen
  • Brochures, marketing materials for distribution 
  • FinNuclear will represent companies and collect contacts for participating companies during the absence of company representative, e.g. hosted buyer sessions
  • Coordination service by FinNuclear

Alternatively the event offers individual 9m2 exhibition booth ($4000/booth), including:

  • Basic shell scheme with logo, info desk and a chair
  • 3 nights accommodation for 1 person

Further info from the conference website: https://nesconfex.com/eng/

The event has a hosted buyer program, which some companies may be eligible to benefit from. If interested, please contact: megumi.asano-ulmonen@finnuclear.fi