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From this page you can find instruction to apply as member, membership application form, membership fees and Association’s codes.

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Organization that apply for the FinNuclear Association membership, shall submit a written application. The application should describe the types of industrial activities of the applicant and possible functions in the nuclear energy field. The annual turnover shall be indicated too.

Applications shall be addressed to the FinNuclear Board of Directors and sent to info@finnuclear.fi (as a pdf-file).

Membership application form

  Joining fee Member fee 
One person company (consultants) 200 € 315 €
Companies, annual turnover under 2 M € 200 € 1 260 € 
Companies, annual turnover 2-10 M € 200 € 1 890 € 
Companies, annual turnover 10-20 M € 200 € 2 520 €
Companies, annual turnover 20-30 M € 200 € 3 150 €
Companies, annual turnover 30-50 M € 200 € 4 410 €
Companies, annual turnover over 50 M € 200 € 6 300 €
Association 200 € 6 300 €
Research institute 200 € 1 260 € 


Original in Finnish, unofficial translation in English from here.